Modisa Wildlife-Botswana

Modisa Wildlife- Botswana

Her vil jeg fortelle dere litt om prosjektet jeg skal være på i 3 av de 4 ukene jeg er borte slik at dere kan bli kjent med programmet jeg skal på denne gangen:) Jeg gleder meg vanvittig mye da dette er et prosjekt som jeg tror jeg midt i blinken for meg,og jeg gleder meg til å få masse ny kunnskap,oppleve Botswana's natur på nært hold,og muligheten til å studere dyrene på nært hold :)


Dare To GoXplore :)

De som startet det har tidligere jobbet på Harnas/Noah's Ark ,og sitter med mye erfaring derfra :) 
Disse to guttene har virkelig et ønske om å bevare naturen og dyrelivet,og jobbe for å lære folk om viktigheten av dette :) Noe som gjør at ihvertfall jeg allerede har en stor respekt for de :) Og jeg gleder meg utrolig mye til å lære meg masse :) 

Dette prosjektet har skapt et spennede frivillighetsprogram hvor folk fra hele verden kan være med for å få en unik erfaring i den afrikanske bushen,og jobbe med afrikanske dyr som løver,leoparder og geparder og mange andre. De har som mål å utdanne folk om Afrikas dyreliv og økosystem, og jobbe for å beskytte den mot den minste bille til den store elefanten.  Oppgavene til den frivillige vil variere fra dag til dag, og ingen dager er like.
En viktig del med prosjektet er også å beskytte rovdyrene fra å bli skutt av gårdeierene,så derfor forsøker de å fange dyrene slik at de kan plassere i de i trygge frie omgivelser. Siden landbruket er den nest største inntektskilden i landet er det lovlig for bøndene å skyte rovdyr som angriper deres kveg. Prosjektet ønsker å jobbe for at dette ikke skjer, og forsøker å fange løvene og leopardene i stedet for at de blir skutt av gårdseierene, og deretter flytter de dyrene til større innhegninger ved Kalahari Game Reserve.

Så her kommer litt historien om Modisa:)

The beginning: 

( text and picture below are copied from Modisa )
animal conservation in africa
The founders of Modisa Wildlife Project are Mikkel Legarth from Denmark and Valentin Gruener from Germany. They met on a wildlife farm in Africa in 2009 as volunteers. They quickly moved up to management positions, fueled by their commitment to local wildlife. Their love and passion for African wildlife – especially big cats – made them fulfill their childhood dream of setting up a wildlife project with an emphasis on creating a bond between people and the wilderness. By cooperating with leading researchers in Botswana and with the University of Texas At Austin, Modisa Wildlife Project has the unique opportunity to create positive changes in local communities which in turn will create a better understanding of and a brighter future for wildlife and the big cats of Botswana.

Our vision is to become a leading player in the conservation and preservation of the Kalahari ecosystem system. 

Modisa was founded:

In Setswana, the local language of where we work in central Botswana, “Modisa” means guardian.
True to this name, we work to guard the wildlife of Botswana. Through local and international involvement and research contributions, the Modisa Wildlife Project promotes sustainability and enhanced biodiversity in the region, located just west of the Central Kalahari Game Reserve. Modisa also want to raise awareness across the globe on the necessity of sustaining the natural ecosystems that ensure a brighter future for the wildlife in Botswana.

Research project:

In collaboration with Dr. Kelley Crew-Meyer and Thoralf Meyer from the University of Texas At Austin, Modisa will start a research project aimed at establishing a long-term program to monitor the Kalahari ecosystem. Modisa is situated approximately 30 km West from the Central Kalahari Game Reserve. Research activities include game and bird counts, plant inventories and studies on interactions between biotic and non-biotic factors in the area (including the affects of fires and grazing, among other things).
Through this exciting research project Modisa will be contributing to local conservation and protection efforts. Modisa’s ultimate goal is to gain understanding of the local ecosystem to better develop management methods and tools that work towards the long-term survival of the Kalahari ecosystem both through our own efforts and cooperations with universities and other research institutes of the African wildlife.

Volunteer program:

In addition to the research programmes that we currently run and will run in the future, Modisa has created a unique volunteer program by allowing people from all over the world to get a firsthand, real life experience in the African bush. The volunteer program aims to educate people on Africa’s wildlife and the struggle to protect it from the smallest beetle to the elephant. Modisa offers many opportunities to learn about the local culture and nature, including guided hikes through the bush, tracking activities, game surveys, sleep-outs in the bush and much, much more. Some volunteers use their stay as part of their education in their home countries, some as a unique opportunity of a holiday that makes a difference. The programme is a well-balanced blend of safaris, lectures and real, day-to-day work onsite. By mixing these elements, Modisa offers the volunteers the unique opportunity to get a real, unfiltered experience of life outside of your normal, everyday routine while learning about real world problems rarely seen outside of the African Bush.

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